Each year the membership of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE), a joint Engineers Australia and Engineering New Zealand Technical Society, appoints new members to serve on the executive committee for a two-year term.

The executive committee is tasked with setting and monitoring the strategic aims of the technical society, and to carry out the mission of the organisation:  “To foster excellence and innovation in engineering education in Australasia and to serve members with strategic leadership, foresight and management of operations through the productive engagement of all stakeholders.”  Please be aware that committee membership involves work to be undertaken in between the meetings.

This year there are three (3) vacancies to be filled. As with the last few years, voting will be done through an online system.

If you are interested in applying to be on the executive, please fill out the attached nomination form, find another AAEE member to support your nomination, and get your Dean (or equivalent) to sign their support. The nomination form should be accompanied by a statement of what you feel you can contribute to the AAEE (1 page maximum), which will be shared publicly via the voting portal and used in the voting process.

How to Nominate

Please mail your nomination form and accompanying statement directly to AAEE Nominations will close at 9:00pm AEDT Saturday 5 November 2022. Nominations received after the closing time and date will be ineligible and not considered.

Voting will go live shortly thereafter with a link emailed to all AAEE members.  Voting will close 10 days later.