AAEE Journal


First published in 1991, the Australasian Journal of Engineering Education is AAEE’s own journal. While the AJEE is Australasian in flavour, it presents work which is at the forefront of engineering education internationally.

Up until 1998, each issue of the AJEE has contained papers on a broad range of engineering education topics. From 1999, there was a change in philosophy with each issue of the Journal focusing on a specific theme or themes. Each issue had its own specialist editor who wrote a review or overview paper introducing the theme. Invited and submitted papers from Australasian and international authors presented work at the frontier of that particular theme. Papers outside the theme were still published to round out each issue.

Since 2002 the Journal has been published “on-line” with this responsibility taken over by Engineers Media in 2007, which ceased to be part of Engineers Australia in 2015. Taylor and Francis now publish the journal, with all recent papers available through the Taylor and Francis site. Archives can be found at Pandora, the National Library Archive.

The AJEE is published twice a year. Papers are published online once produced.

The Editorial Team, and Aims and Scope, are available on the AAEE page on the Taylor and Francis website – https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/teen20