AAEE Awards Past Winners

The Australasian Association for Engineering Education Annual Awards

The AAEE Annual Awards recognise outstanding contributions to engineering education in Australasia. Awards are presented each year at the AAEE Annual Conference and are judged by a panel of experts drawn from across Australasia. 

Australian Council of Engineering Deans National Award for Engineering Education Excellence
for demonstrated excellence in Engineering Education

2024 Anne Gardner, Guien Miao, Keith Willey, Lesley Jolly, Llew Mann, Rosalie Goldsmith, Scott Daniel, Tania Machet
2021 Timothy McCarthy
2020 Keith Willey
2019 David Lowe
2017 Warren Smith, Craig Wheeler, Alex Churches
2016 Peter Doe, Mark Symes
2014 Alexander Kist
2013 Robyne Bowering
2010 Keith Willey and Anne Gardner


Engineering Education Research Design Award
for rigorous, innovative and transferable research design in the field of Engineering Education

2024 Guien Miao, Iresha Ranaraja, Marina Belkina, Nick Brown, Tom Goldfinch, Sarah Grundy for the AAEE Project-Based Learning (PjBL) Team
2023 Sasha Nikolic, Scott Daniel, Rezwanul Haque, Marina Belkina, Mubashar Hassan, Sarah Grundy, Sarah Lyden, Peter Neal, Caz Sandison
2021 Sally Male, Ghulam Mubashar Hassan, Andrew Guzzomi, Andrew Valentine and Melissa Marinelli
2019 Andrea Mazzurco, Scott Daniel
2018 Rosalie Goldsmith, Keith Willey
2017 Sally Male, Caroline Baillie, Jeremy Leggoe, Cara MacNish, Phil Hancock, Stuart Crispin, Firoz Alam, Dev Ranmuthugala
2015 Anne Gardner, Keith Willey
2013 Lesley Jolly, Caroline Crosthwaite
2012 Keith Willey, David Boud, Anne Gardner, Donna Rooney, Terry Fitzgerald, Ann Reich


Engineering Education Engagement Award
for fostering an excellent standard of successful engagement with stakeholders in Australasian Engineering Education

2024 Juliana Kaya Prpic (The University of Melbourne) for her work on Indigenous Engagement for Engineering Education
2023 Daniel van der Walt, Philippa Martin, and Rachel Wood​, University of Canterbury​ – ENG ME! Program
2022 Tom Goldfinch and Jade Kennedy
2020 Cris Birzer, Nick Brown, Eva Cheng, Sarah Herkess, Beatrix Neville, Tanja Rosenqvist, Jeremy Smith, Alison Stoakley, Jennifer Turner (EWB Humanitarian Design Summits)
2019 Scott Wordley
2018 Anthony Kadi, David Lowe
2017 John Long, Simon Cavenett, Jason Steinwedel, Leanne Collins
2016 George Banky
2015 Stephen Moore
2014 Timothy McCarthy
2013 Ben Cazzolato, Dorothy Missingham, Will Roberston, Zebb Prime


Previously Awarded: Engineering Industry Engagement Award

2016 Sasha Nikolic, Tom Goldfinch
2013 Prof Peter Dowd, Executive Director, Mining Engineering Australia; Dr Mehmet Kizil, Prof. Bruce Hbblewhite, Prof. Erkan Topal, Prof. Mark Jaksa – Sponsored by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education

2023 AAEE Conference Best Paper Awards

AAEE Best Practice Paper​

Winner: “Exploring application of AI technologies for engineering education in systematic invention and innovation”​ Pavel Livotov, Mas’Udah and Quentin Lemaire​, Offenburg University​

Highly Commended: “Formative Sprints to improve feedback, learning, and fidelity in practice-based activities”​ Anna Lidfors Lindqvist, Keith Willey, Lena Lidfors, and Beata Francis​

AAEE Best Research Paper

Winner: Generative AI as a Catalyst for Enhanced Learning Experience in Engineering Education”​ Behzad Fatahi, Hadi Khabbaz, Jianfeng Xue and Roger Hadgraft​, University of Technology, Sydney​

Highly Commended: “Major Decisions! Exploring Student Pathways to Engineering Majors as Markers of Identity”​ Amy Young, Les Dawes and Bouchra Senadji Queensland University of Technology​

AAEE Best Student Paper

Winner: “’P’s Get Degrees’: Exploring First-Year Engineering Students’ Perceptions and Experiences of Failure”, Sara Abdulghaffar, Marissa Phoon, Dragon Power Poon, Luke Tan, Jonathan Li, Nicoleta Maynard and James Salamy​, Monash University​

Highly Commended: “Engineering Thinking: Preparing Students for the Workforce with Novel Tertiary Pedagogy Design”​ Adam Schonker, Devin Goralsky, Michael Crocco and Tony Vo​, Monash University​


AJEE vol. 28  Best Paper Award (2024)

Winner:  “Defining the capabilities required to teach engineering: insights for achieving the Australian sector’s future vision”, Sarah Dart, Sam Cunningham, Alexander Gregg, and Amy Young

AJEE vol. 27  Best Paper Award (2023)

Winner: “Influences on U.S. undergraduate engineering students’ perceptions of ethics and social responsibility: findings from a longitudinal study”​, Shiloh James Howland, Stephanie Claussen, Brent K. Jesiek, and Carla B. Zoltowski​

Highly Commended: “Influence of using a pen-and-paper or computer-based approach on engineering students’ self-efficacy during idea generation”​, Andrew Valentine, Iouri Belski, and Margaret Hamilton​

Citations for Outstanding Early Career Contributions to Engineering Education

The AAEE Citations for Outstanding Early Career Contribution to Engineering Education are also awarded at the Annual Conference and judged by a panel of experts from across Australasia. Citations recognise and reward the diverse contributions made by individuals to the quality of engineering student learning and teaching at the early stages of their career.


Anna Lidfors Lindqvist

Jon Roberts


Alexander Gregg​, University of Newcastle

June Ho​, Macquarie University

2022 Ashlee Pearson
Michael Carr
2021 Sam Cunningham
Aaron Opdyke
2020 Nick Brown
2019 Sarah Dart
Tony Vo
Sasha Nikolic
2018 Marina Belkina


Distinguished Member Award

The Distinguished Member Award is awarded by the AAEE Executive Committee to recognize an outstanding member who has tirelessly contributed to the AAEE community over the course of many years.


Anne Gardner

Trudy Harris 

2023 Caroline Crosthwaite
2022 Tim McCarthy
2021 Brian Stone
James Trevelyan
2020 Keith Willey
Roger Hadgraft
2019 Les Dawes
2018 Janis Swan
2017 Doug Hargreaves
2016 Lesley Jolly
2015 Wageeh Boles
2014 Robin King
Elizabeth Taylor